Day 2 – Hunger and Cleansing

And falling to the ground he heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” – Acts 9:4-5

In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him stood the seraphim. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”

And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called, and the house was filled with smoke. And I said: “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!” Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for. – Isaiah 6:1-7

Pray that God would give the ISIS members a hunger to really know who God is and that they too would say  “Who  are  you  Lord?” Pray that they would be willing to give up all previous ideas to really know God in an intimate way. Pray that they would respond like Isaiah, who in the presence of the Lord and in the realization of his greatness and holiness, saw his own dirtiness and cried out for mercy. Pray that they would see their uncleanliness and would cry out for mercy. Pray that they too would find the cleansing power of God through Christ.

 have prayed.


75 prayers have been added for
“Day 2 – Hunger and Cleansing”

  1. Abba Father I surrender my life and my heart into your hands this day. I thank you Lord for my security, hope, and provision being found only in you Oh God.
    Lord I come to you in complete surrender to praise you and honor you. I lift up the concern of my own heart as your word is written to pray for those who persecute you. Lord God, I first lift up my brothers and sisters in you Jesus who live in the land of the Middle East in this day. I ask Lord for your great mercy to reach down upon their lives today and surround them with your angels to battle for them and protect them and draw them near to you.
    Lord keep them safe in your heart this day. Place a great hedge of your protection around them and their households in this day. Lord God minister to their needs at this moment.
    Lord God, our war and battle is not what can be seen by the natural eye but it is contained in the WAR of the heavens… As your word is written in Ephesians 6:12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places
    So Lord we go into battle – calling out your name in this battle – Jesus.
    We lift you name HIGH IN PRAISE as we run full force into full praise into BATTLE…
    Lord God your written word, the same word that is sharper than a two edged sword dividing the flesh from the bone… we lift up your word of promise that is written in 2 Chronicles 20:17
    You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.'”
    Also as your word is written PSALM 18:39 You have armed me with strength for the battle; you have subdued my enemies under my feet.
    The enemy of YOU Oh God, and the enemy of us in you is under our feet and the enemy of ISIS right now in the power and authority of Jesus Christ I declare and shout out to the heaven this enemy is below the feet of all of us… they have been stripped of their power, they have been stripped of their fear tactics as greater is GOD within us, then he of this world, which is the prince of this air and we take authority of satan right now over ISIS in the name of authority JESUS IS LORD….
    We come up against by the authority of the name that is above all names on heaven and earth – Jesus , and we ask you right now Lord before your throne room at this very moment that you JESUS stop this enemy moving through ISIS which is the Anti Christ spirit of the demonic realm. Bring the people of ISIS to their
    knees before you JESUS….
    Lord I also lift up the women and men who are blinded by Satan in this day and who belong to ISIS. Lord press down upon their lives in bringing them into knowing your great love and mercy toward them. Allow these people to have a direct encounter with you Lord Jesus as Saul had the encounter with you on the Damascus road and it led Saul into knowing the truth of the one true God and Saul became your promise Lord as YOU gave him a new name of Paul as his heart changed and was renewed by your POWER. Lord God allow ISIS to have this same direct encounter of your great LOVE AND MERCY.
    Lord God, I pray that you will pour out your SPIRIT upon the men and women who are trapped in the deception of who you are through ISIS. Lord give these women, men, and even their children, gives them DREAMS that come directly from you HOLY GOD… and dreams that will bring them to their knees in wanting to know the ONE TRUE GOD through JESUS as Lord…
    Set these captives and prisoners within ISIS FREE Lord God… to come to know your MERCY, your FORGIVENESS, your great LOVE for your creation, your breathe of LIFE upon their lives… Bring them to know you Lord God…
    Lord your word is written that we are to pray for those who persecute us and to pray blessing upon them and curse them not so Lord God I lift ISIS up to you now in Jesus Name and I ask Lord God that you pour the blessing of your great LOVE and MERCY out upon them so they are not able to deny this great LOVE and MERCY of God…
    Bring them to know the truth of you JESUS and to be set free.
    Through the blood of Jesus, and the name of Jesus who gives the authority.
    In Jesus name above all names on heaven and earth

  2. May each ISIS fighter be convicted by your Holy Spirit that what they are doing is wrong and that they need Jesus as their Savior.

  3. Lord, grant me/us the continuing desire to pray for members of ISIS as we hear of the ugly atrocities they are committing on the innocent each day. Your love can turn the vilest sinner. Reveal to us more and more of your deep love as we pray for the members of ISIS. May your name forever be glorified Jesus.

  4. Dear Father, it’s a new day and we’ve started the cycle if this prayer initiative for the third time. You said to ask and keep on asking. We don’t know how many terrorists you’ve actually added to your kingdom since Kathleen started this, but we believe we have been praying according to your will and you have been answering. So we ask for more and more of these to turn from their wicked ways and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Please let the good they do when they are saved be greater than the evil they have plotted and done in the past. Please protect our nation this Memorial Day weekend from terrorist attacks. Please restore us to you, dear Lord. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  5. Dear Father, thank you for the cross of Christ on which every sin was atoned for, where Jesus shed his blood so we can all be forgiven. We are not better than these terrorists but we are forgiven because of your mercy in drawing us to Jesus. Please draw these blind ones. Please convict them deep in their spirits and compel them to open their heart to Jesus. And please protect the innocent ones who are suffering at their hands. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  6. Heavenly Father, I come in the Name of Jesus and ask that You reveal Yourself to these terrorists in dreams and visions. Turn satan’s plans back on his own head, and use these (former) terrorists as the greatest force for the gospel that the world has ever seen, for You delight in taking what the enemy means for evil, and turning it for good. To God be the glory!! Amen

  7. Oh Lord, speak to some of their leaders with such a clear voice as you spoke to Saul: ‘Ebu Bekir, Abdullah, Omar vs., why are you persecuting me?’ May they hear, listen and surrender.

  8. Lord God Almighty, the Holy One, King of Creation, Redeemer of your people,
    Thank you Father for sending your Son to this world to rescue me from the penalty of my sins. Thank you for dying on that cross for me Jesus.
    Behold the Lamb!
    Great God, give members of ISIS a massive godly unease over what they’re involved in, rescue them, build your church in their midst and glorify your mighty name, the Name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow!
    Nothing is impossible with you Lord, thank you that you are working in many many, countless hearts across your world, bare your might arm like you did with Saul, but multiplied many times over and sweep masses of ISIS members into your kingdom, may your Holy Spirit work mightily in them until they have no peace and then that they fall at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords!

  9. Dearest Father God. I pray for all ISIS members and the young ones they are teaching. I pray that you would cause them to stumble and fall and become one of your children, may they cry out to you in repentance and come to know the Joy of your Salvation. May Jesus shine His light and may their eyes be opened to the Truth. In Jesus precious name.Amen

  10. Abba Avinu, God of all mercy and compassion. Father even as Yeshua drew us to Himself while we were yet sinners, we cry out for those who have been drawn to ISIS. Reveal to them that indeed God has a Son, and His Name is Yeshua, who was crucified, died, was buried, rose again victorious, and that only by calling on His Name can they be saved for there is no other Name but His, no other way, no other truth. He is the very life they seek and we stand here one in Him and ask for each of them to know the Father’s love and believe in Him who was sent. In Rebbe Melech Yeshuas Name, the Name above all names. Amen

  11. Father,
    Like Isaiah, I am a woman of unclean lips. Woe is me. Father, first I repent of my unclean behavior. Then, I pray for the members of IS. Convict them and, like Paul, cause them to seek You, the true and living God. Over their heads I pray for the Mercy of God to fall and the Precious Blood of Jesus to flow. Finally, I ask you to change their hearts from hearts of stone to those of flesh and compassion. Turn them from their murderous ways.

  12. Lord God, please work today on the hearts of those who have fallen into the trap of joining ISIS. Free them from ISIS. Please wash them of sin. May they come quickly to salvation through Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the lamb who laid down his life.

  13. Father, please create within ISIS members seeking hearts. May Islam leave them so empty and may they as a result start asking questions. Being them to a point where they cry out to You, asking if You are Allah or Yahweh, the god of the Qur’an or the God of the Bible. Your word says that those who seek will find. May ISIS members find the salvation they’ve so far been pursuing in all the wrong ways. You are the way, the truth, and the life. In the beautiful name of Jesus I pray, amen.

  14. It is with a humble heart that we as a body come before the Lord this morning to lift up those who live in darkness. May they yearn for the LIGHT of the Lord in their lives. May their scales of unbelief fall from their eyes and shed light into their souls. David prayed in Ps 27 “one thing” he needed and the “one thing” these ISIS men and women need is the glorious gospel and we are entrusted with it until He returns. May we pray and pray some more…God reveal yourself to them.

  15. Thank you for the forgiveness you give to me when I sin, Lord. I pray that the men and women that you are calling out of ISIS hear your voice to convict them of their sin. I pray that you give them the courage to choose you and to walk away from Islam.
    Your will be done.
    In Jesus Holy name, Amen.

  16. Father,
    You draw all men to Yourself. You give dreams and visions to the unsaved, like Saul of Tarsus, to draw them to Your Son. Grant visions to the members of ISIS to shake their reality and draw them to Your Son, Jesus. Give them the desire to know the Truth and a revulsion of their barbarous acts. I pour your mercy over the members of ISIS and plead before Your Throne for the salvation of many.
    Confound the plans made by ISIS for evil. Give those who combat against this evil, Godly wisdom on how to thwart the plans and protect lives. And may all recognize Your Sovereign Hand and give You the Praise.

    In and through Your precious Son and by His Sacrifice, Amen!

  17. Let Your True Light of grace and truth Shine! Take those in the darkness to Your Marvelous Light in Jesus name amen

  18. Dear Father,
    Please open the eyes of these misguided, demonically inspired people. Give them a chance to see your truth unfiltered by the delusions of the evil one. Take their misdirected zeal and turn them into lovers of Jesus. Please protect your people while you work with these deceived ones. Please let your Kingdom come and your will be done in Jesus’ name. AMEN!

  19. Lord, unless you touch our eyes, we too are blind – blind to the pain and suffering we cause to ourselves and to others. Open our eyes, Lord. Help us to see as you do – love as you do – act as you want us to. Have mercy on the Sauls of ISIS. Reveal yourself to them in a way that will remove their blindness.

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