But all silver and gold, and every vessel of bronze and iron, are holy to the Lord; they shall go into the treasury of the Lord.” So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they captured the city. – Joshua 6:19-20

Pray today that all the resources of ISIS would “go into the treasury of the Lord” meaning that all resources would be used for the glory of God! Pray that stolen oil fields, the robbed banks and the millions of dollars that come to them from other ways would be used for God’s glory and the spread of his fame! Pray for the resource routes in Iraq and Syria, that God would use them to spread the gospel. Pray that God would use the systems in place like fire to spread throughout each area and move on to the next. Pray that the ISIS magazine (called Dabiq), their facebook and twitter accounts (called “Jihad Cool”) and other means used to recruit ISIS members from across the world would also become avenues for spreading the gospel. Pray that Jesus would be proclaimed in each of these!
NOW THE VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!! During the past 30 days we have been silently marching around ISIS. We have been waiting on God to see his victory come. Now is the time to shout because the victory is His! He is answering our prayers! Shout out over them: The Lord is victorious!!
- Take it All – Hillsong United https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=757MHWkTraY
- Victor’s Crown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g84C902JFYM
- In your light – Bethel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IXgUl6HrRY
Dear Father, thank you that you are bringing out more and more truth and exposing treachery among the nations in the Middle East. Please continue to bring confusion to your enemies. We name all islamic states, including isis: Turkey, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, and all the other demon-infested areas along with Russia, China, North Korea or anyone else aiding them. Stop their advances, prevent them from succeeding in any way. Bring all their resources into the Kingdom of your dear Son. Most importantly, please open their eyes to the truth of their need for salvation through Christ alone. Please show yourself strong on behalf of your people today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, more than 7 months of praying these prayers, marching around isis, with only marginal results visible in the natural–but you are Spirit and you are Lord. We know we are not wrestling against flesh and blood. I’m believing that you are working no matter what. Things probably would be much worse now if we had not been praying all this time. We thank you and we cheer you on, Jesus. We know you win. Please save thousands of muslims today, and use them to evangelize thousands more. We give you praise and honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Almighty Victorious powerful loving God. In the cross of Jesus your victory over the devil, darkness and all forms of evil was proclaimed. We declare your victory which has already been won. We affirm that ISIS has been defeated in the spiritual relm. Show your victory o God, bring to the open your triumph. As ISIS members see your victory may they worship you as Lord and serve you as saviour.
Dear Father, today’s worship song says, “Give unto the Lord the glory due his name for he is holy and worthy of all our love.” I do that, Lord. I give you glory, even though I’m not quite sure what that looks like. Thank you that as we have done the 30 days of prayer again, you have answered. Muslims have been saved, isis plots have been thwarted many times, and your people of the Cross have stood firm in the face of persecution and death. We continue to pray that your Kingdom would come and your will would be done. We pray that you will dry up the resources of isis, and that you would do whatever is necessary to bring muslims to Jesus. We give you praise and honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.
And, Dearest Father, thank You for the promise of heaven for eternity Your Son Jesus bought for us through His precious blood. Keep that vision of Jesus and heaven before the eyes of all Christians who are being persecuted, tortured, and martyred for Your namesake, even as you did for Stephen when he saw You “standing” at the right hand of the Father as he was being stoned. Amen and Amen
Dear Father, when Jesus commanded the demon to come out of the epileptic boy in Mark 9, it convulsed the boy and people thought it had killed him. But it was a last-ditch useless effort to control and to cause fear. Father, please let that be what’s happening right now with the horror in Paris. We declare that Jesus is victorious no matter what we see. The prayers we’ve prayed here have been and are effective. The evil one loses. We pray for those who are trying to protect people from these demon-possessed biblical fools. Give them wisdom and success in stopping the attacks and capturing the perpetrators. Please cause muslims to see truth and come to Jesus. Thank you for what you will do today. We give you praise and honor and glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Abba Father, Yehovah, We decree, declare and loose into all people the Spirits of YHVH, which will rest (anicin = stress and pain relieved) upon us, The 7 Spirits of Yehovah: the Spirit of Wisdom, Discernment and of Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and of Power, the Spirit of Knowledge and of the Fear of Yehovah. We loose the Spirits of life, health, wholeness, truth, justice, fairness, righteousness, honor, loyalty, integrity, aggressiveness, ingeniousness, faith, hope, love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, Godliness, kindness, gentleness, sound minds, self-control, acceptance, and the Mind of our Messiah and may our Father have all the Glory and Honor. Blessed be thou, O Almighty God, the Father of everlasting goodness, and the Father of mercies, who hast shewn such favour to those who were sinners against him, and hast brought them to the mercy of Paradise, and hast placed them amidst thy large and spiritual provisions, in a spiritual and holy life. We pray, rejoice and say, HalleluYah to our Father, Yehovah, who loved us first and Yehoshua the son who set us free and the Holy Spirit, Rauch HaKodesh for guiding us through life, in the Mighty Name of Yehoshua. Yehmein
We declare your greatness today, dear Father! The evil one has his deceived ones shout their idol’s name when they do some evil; we shout louder the real truth: OUR GOD REIGNS!!!!! Be glorified today, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
Dear Father, we give you the glory due your name. Thank you that we do not fear because you are in control. We hear reports that there has been a call for terrorists to act this weekend as we remember the horror of 911. We declare that you are greater than any of these plots. Please protect those who protect us, wherever they are. There’s a song that says, “Things are not OK right now and they won’t be till you come back.” We’re watching, Lord. Thank you that you are on your way. We give you praise and honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the reports we have received about Muslims who have just recently given their hearts to Jesus. Help us to be encouraged to be steadfast in praying for the conversion of all Muslims and the members of ISIS. Please open their hearts to Your love and draw them to yourself. Please destroy the stronghold of Islam, false religion, and deception that has kept so many people in darkness. Let them behold the Light and Truth, that is Jesus, and let them run to Him for salvation. We ask this in the Name of Jesus, who loved us so much that He died for us, and for all those whose are in bondage to false religions. Amen.
We shout your praises! You are working behind the scenes to answer our prayers. You are Lord God Almighty. Thank you for being the God that never fails. Bless those who are working to save victims and provide shelters and basic needs. Bless them with your love, for only you LOVE can pierce through their hearts. In Jesus’ name.
Thank you for your immense love, Dear Father. We believe all the prayers we have prayed on this site have been effective, because we have prayed according to your will. So we reinforce all of them, and ask that you will show us a tangible sign for good in the days ahead. Thank you for the salvation of isis members, for thwarting the plots of the evil one, and for Jesus’ glorious victory that he has already won. We give you praise and honor and glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Oh Lord, I ask that You move among the men of ISIS, speaking to them in dreams and visions. Do whatever it takes to bring them to You. Change this evil organization into one that will praise and glorify You. Do the impossible because all things are possible with You. Let the world see how You save to the uttermost.
Dear Father, Proverbs 10:23 says, “To do evil is like sport to a fool.” These people call their murderous plans “jihad cool.” Apart from your intervention they are heading for a very hot destiny. I’m reminding myself that we are praying on this site because of your love–for them and for us. So we pray again: please let your Kingdom come; let your will be done in every place where there is even one isis member or even one person looking at the lies on the isis sites. Please stand in front of them like the Angel of The Lord stood before Baalam. Prevent them from carrying out their evil plans, regardless of the misplaced zeal they have. Let their resources be dried up. Please open their eyes to their need for Jesus. We pray protection for your people wherever the are. Be that fire by night and that cloud by day to show your presence and your intense faithfulness to care for those who are walking in the shadow of death. Please, Most High God, glorify the name of Jesus today as you orchestrate events throughout your creation. You are ALWAYS good, and we give you praise in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, you are the unchanged and unchanging God of the universe. You win. We cheer you on, even as I repent for fear, doubt, complacency, short-sightedness, and inconsistency in prayer. Show yourself strong, Lord. We believe you. We believe you are great and greatly to be praised. You win! We bow before you and wait for you. Let your kingdom come and your will be done among the members of isis and among your people in the Middle East. Thank you for showing the world who Jesus is. We pray in his name, amen.
Dear Father,
To You we lift up our praises. Thank you Father, that You are able to do more than we can imagine. Father, You know how I have struggled to pray and believe. Help my unbelief. I pray that You will receive the Glory, praise and honor from those you call out from IS. We ask all of this with Your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven, AMEN!
Praise you Father for all that you are and have done for us in your glorious, blessed Son! Lord have mercy on all of us! Glorify your name in these days!
Pour out your Spirit on us, enable us to do your will in all things! May we take up our cross daily and follow hard after you!
Father, we praise you because the battle belongs to you and victory is on its way. May ISIS render all to You and glorify your name. May the media they have set up for them selves become a source to spread the gospel. Thank You for what your doing.
We thank you for the transfer of wealth from the wicked to the righteous. Alleluia in Jesus name!
Dear Father, we come to you as Commander of the Lord’s Army. We ask you to complete the victory that has been won because of our prayers. Please let us see tangible evidence of your invincible power over the demonic forces. You alone are God. We worship you and. Bring all the assets of the evil one to your feet. They are all yours anyway. Please let these that have been mentioned above be used for your glory and the salvation of all who are enslaved to the demons of islam. Thank you for the privilege of praying effective fervent prayers. Thank you for protection for your people. Thank you for life. Thank you for victory. We give you praise and honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.