But all silver and gold, and every vessel of bronze and iron, are holy to the Lord; they shall go into the treasury of the Lord.” So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they captured the city. – Joshua 6:19-20

Pray today that all the resources of ISIS would “go into the treasury of the Lord” meaning that all resources would be used for the glory of God! Pray that stolen oil fields, the robbed banks and the millions of dollars that come to them from other ways would be used for God’s glory and the spread of his fame! Pray for the resource routes in Iraq and Syria, that God would use them to spread the gospel. Pray that God would use the systems in place like fire to spread throughout each area and move on to the next. Pray that the ISIS magazine (called Dabiq), their facebook and twitter accounts (called “Jihad Cool”) and other means used to recruit ISIS members from across the world would also become avenues for spreading the gospel. Pray that Jesus would be proclaimed in each of these!
NOW THE VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!! During the past 30 days we have been silently marching around ISIS. We have been waiting on God to see his victory come. Now is the time to shout because the victory is His! He is answering our prayers! Shout out over them: The Lord is victorious!!
- Take it All – Hillsong United https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=757MHWkTraY
- Victor’s Crown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g84C902JFYM
- In your light – Bethel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IXgUl6HrRY
Dear Lord, Let all of Your faithful followers speak Your Name JESUS into the hearts and minds and souls of every single member of ISIS and in Your Name we take every thought of theirs captive to the Word of God and the Mind of Christ so that You Jesus can and will transform them by the renewing of their minds, establish homeostasis (balance) into their body, mind and spirit so that they can all be blessed with great success as they learn to turn their hands to only that which is wholesome and good; obedient to Your Will therefore pleasing in Your Sight; then may they be prospered in every good way, a way which will Glorify The Lord. Amen
Dear Lord, I pray that every member of ISIS, wherever they may be, all their resources whatever they be, will be smothered by The Love of Jesus, that Love which will set them free from the enemy. Amen
Our Father in Heaven Holy is Your Name. Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done in all the ISIS strongholds, their resource routes in Iraq and Syria and every avenue they use to recruit their followers in every part of the world.Give everyone in these places their daily needs today and bring them to that place of salvation. Forgive them their sins and show them how to forgive those who have sinned against them. Lead them away from temptation and deliver them from every kind of evil because Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, now and forever Amen.
Open the eyes of their hearts Lord, open the eyes of their hearts so that they may see You, see You as You really are – their Saviour, Lord, Friend and Brother. Amen
The Lord Is Victorious! Let us rejoice that our silent, fervent, trusting prayers have flowed through all these Resource routes. May they be cleansed and purified by the Blood of Jesus, strengthened and protected from every kind of evil. Lord we rejoice that Your Truth is replacing the lies of the enemy, luring vulnerable people into a life of destruction and ruin. I speak Your Name Jesus into the hearts and minds and souls of them all so that You can and will transform them by the renewing of their minds. The eyes of their hearts are being opened so that they see You as You really are and that all they could ever hope for or desire can only be found in You, our Lord and Saviour – Jesus. Amen
I pray Lord that You will raise up Your Army – Your Army of Love to oppose ISIS. May we shout for Joy and rejoice in the knowledge of and the confidence in Your Victory. You are risen! You are risen indeed. May we your followers reflect You in our prayers for all the members of ISIS. Those who produce and read the magazine DABIQ, their exposure on face book and twitter, in Jihad Cool and every other means they use to recruit people into their organization. Rather than speaking about you Lord, enable us to show You so that the ISIS members can see You and see Your Power in action.May they not just hear about Your Peace but see that it keeps us Your followers calm , unruffled and untroubled no matter what the outward circumstances may be. May they not only hear of Your Joy but also see it in us Your followers as hidden depths of security. Where true Power and Peace abide it will ripple to the surface of our lives and be revealed to all those around us and those far away in distant lands. May we persevere in faithfull prayer for our ISIS brothers and sisters so that The Name of Jesus is proclaimed throughout their ranks. Amen.
All the earth is Yours and all the treasures of the earth are under Your control. Your will be done with ISIS resources. Bring a mighty harvest of souls into your Kingdom as a result of the tragedy in Iraq, Syria, Africa and Southeast Asia from those who associate with ISIS. Let what they meant for evil bring a bountiful harvest of souls for Your Kingdom. We beg for Your forgiveness as we come before Your throne through the Blood and Sacrifice of Your precious Son, Jesus.
All for Your Glory, Abba, Father!
Father, You are the God of justice. I pray that a reckoning would come and that You would cause a restoration of all things. Restore to those who have been plundered and robbed and exploited. May those things which You choose be used for Your Glory. May we see miracles in our day! Let there be a stand for justice and mercy in the world. Let a remnant fight and pray and press for victory. May The shout be heard in all the Earth. Power and majesty to our King.
Dear Father, thank you for working in the Middle East. Thank you for being in total control, regardless of what we see. You will win. We cheer you on, King of kings! Be glorified today as you open the eyes and hearts of muslims and all those who need Jesus. Thank you for those you will save, and for what you will do today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Oh My Precious Father, our hearts cry out for You to be glorified in all the earth! Show Your great mercy and love and compassion, and the gift of eternal life our Jesus has bought through His death on the Cross before the world. Prove your Love and Power by saving Isis terrorists, their families, their captives and their victims who have lost loved ones through their violence. And let this world without hope see the Mighty God we serve! Amen and Amen
Dear Father, Turkey is invading Syria, isis continues to metastasize, Iran keeps provoking, Russians have their fingers in everything, and in the natural, we don’t even know who the “good guys” are anymore. Isn’t it time for you to step in yet? Please come and show yourself strong on behalf of those who believe in Jesus, regardless of where the are geographically. Please come and deliver the children from the horrible brainwashing and abuse they are receiving from muslim terrorists–even from their own parents. Please help, Lord. Please have mercy. Please let your Kingdom come and your will be done today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, according to your commands in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, we are celebrating, we are praying constantly, we are giving you thanks no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. You are working. You don’t owe us any explanation. You are in complete control, and we give you praise as we repeat our foundational prayer: let your kingdom come and your will be done specifically in the matter of stopping isis and bringing muslims to Jesus. We give you praise and honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, thank you for the completion of another cycle of these prayers for isis. You have answered them in ways we haven’t seen yet, but you promised that when we ask according to your will you hear and answer, so we’re just waiting to see the evidence of what you’ve done. Lord, we heard that many sophisticated weapons have been stolen from the Israelis and smuggled to isis, and that the Israelis can’t shoot the thieves because of the “rules of engagement.” Please stop these thefts and cause the stolen weapons to misfire or break down in isis’ hands. Let the muslims see that you are fighting for Israel and your People of the Cross, just as you did for Joshua. Compel them to come to Jesus and be saved. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Heavenly Father
I pray today that all the resources of ISIS would be used for the glory of God! I pray that stolen oil fields, the robbed banks and the millions of dollars that come to them from other ways would be used for God’s glory and the spread of his fame! I pray for the resource routes in Iraq and Syria, that God would use them to spread the gospel. I pray that God would use the systems in place like fire to spread throughout each area and move on to the next. I pray that the ISIS magazine (called Dabiq), their facebook and twitter accounts would also become avenues for spreading the gospel. I pray that Jesus would be proclaimed in each of these!
Lord your will be done with Isis, your victory is already won.
Thank you
In Jesus name
Dear Father, you are Lord and King. Thank you for the honor and privilege of not only knowing that fact, but even more for knowing you and your character. You, not just your rewards, are our greatest hope and expectation. Let our prayers rise as incense to you today as we complete another month of praying for those trapped in the lies of islam. Thank you that you are in total control. Thank you for those you will deliver today, whether from the plots and terror of isis or the slavery of islam. Set the captives free, both physically and spiritually. I pray for more truth, Lord. Please let your Kingdom come and your will be done, in Jesus’ name and for his glory. Amen.
Oh wonderful Lord, bring ISIS members back to their true destination as people who are created for the glory and honor of the King of Kings. Their own lives are to be resources to subdue the land rather than to destroy it. To be useful rather than to do harm. To love rather than to hate. To be a blessing rather than a threat. To worship the Father through the Son rather than serving the devil. Convince ISIS members from the lies they are believing in. May true repentance happen. Soon. Amen
Dear Father, it’s been more than a year that we’ve been praying with persistence specifically for isis to be stopped and its members to be brought to Jesus. We thank you for all you have done that we have never heard about–all the evil you have prevented in answer to our prayers. How much worse might things be otherwise! And for all those you saved–how many have come to you because we prayed! Thank you, Lord!
It’s Good Friday, and the evil one is still rampaging around pretending he’s not defeated. But he is. Totally. By the Blood of Jesus and His Resurrection. Please protect your people today–anywhere there are commemorations of Jesus. Keep terrorists away. Bring thousands and thousands of muslims to Jesus. Come and demonstrate the power of your love and grace today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, May your Son Jesus be glorified and proclaimed. May those who are with You win victory after victory over the forces of the enemy. Father, I pray that You would strike down the strongholds of darkness, wickedness, Islam, all false religion, hatred and vengeance and completely obliterate them. I pray that the people who have been controlled by those strongholds will be set free. I pray that the Holy Spirit would work in their hearts to draw them to Jesus, and that they will be saved and follow Him forever. Father, please help us not to grow weary in well doing, but to continue to press on, lifting these people up to You for savation. Give us hearts of mercy like Jesus. Thank you the reports of Muslims accepting Christ. Let them be saved.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen!
I thank you all to be part of this. It has been a great month and I still get more prayers to pray. Let’s keep praying.
Father thank You that the glory is Yours and Yours alone. People might think that they never want to work for Your glory and Your victory but like You say in the bible: You hold the king in your hands and lead it like rivers. You used leaders of the world before to show Your might. I pray Father show Your power and do this again, that all the resources that isis thinks are theirs, will be revealed as in Your hands. Yours are all the resources in the earth and sea and You can and will use it for Your Name. Let the people who think that they have the power over these resources stand amzed at waht You can do. Show them who is in charge. Father even as they use the internet and media to proclaim their own power, bend it around so that Your wisdom and power will be revealed. Yous is the power end the glory and the might for ever and ever AMEN!