But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. Now as he went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. – Acts 9:1-3
Jesus said “You have heard it said, ‘Love you neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those that persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:44-45a
Pray that the church throughout the world would follow Jesus’ words to love and pray for their enemies. Pray that the church wouldn’t just sit back and watch a physical war take place but that they would fight with the most powerful weapons: prayer, fasting and love. Saul was a perfect example of a man who thought he was doing the will of God but was mistaken. Many of the ISIS members as well think they are doing the will of God. Pray that, like Paul, they would see the light of Christ. Pray also that in the presence of this light all darkness would have to flee. Pray that the light of Christ would expose all lies and reveal Jesus.
- Let your light shine in the darkness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsHgl-RMvfY
- Light of the world (Matt Redman): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtFyOyqoiFo
- Shine, Jesus, Shine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3iB30gCqAc
I pray that ISIS members will see the light of Jesus, and turn from their ways, just like Saul did on the road to Damascus.
Yes Lord i believe You are the Saviour of the world. I believe You gave your life to bring life to those in the ISIS camp. I believe God, Your Father heart aches and longs for them. Come Lord and enter into their awareness that they may know Your deep love for them. Thank You Lord for drawing them into Your Fold, our Good Shepherd. Amen.
Heavenly Father, shine Your bright Light into the darkness today. Bring conviction of sin and cause repentance in the hearts of men just like You did for Saul of Tarsus. May the peace of Jesus Christ be proclaimed from the mountain tops! May Your coming be soon oh Lord! In Your Perfect Name we pray, amen.
Lord, I echo MaryAnn’s prayer today and add that You, oh Lord, would continue to pierce the darkness with Your magnificent and blazing Light as You reach the unreachable and soften the hearts of those who may be as cold as ice today and unaware of the forgiveness they might have in the ultimate sacrifice spoken of in John 3:16. Your will be done oh Lord and Your Great Name be magnified today, in Christ’s Name amen.
Dear Father, thank you for hearing and answering each and every prayer prayed on this site. Today as I start the series again I pray that your Spirit would intercede in your words. Regardless of feelings, I choose to pray in love for isis and all those who desire the downfall of Christianity and Judaism. I pray they would be snatched from the kingdom of darkness and be brought into the marvelous light and love of Jesus. Please glorify your holy name today; and may we have the eyes and ears to see what you do. We give you praise and honor and glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Lord Jesus, Your will be done in this world. Please call the future “Pauls” of ISIS to repentance and use them to bring the light of the gospel message to the Muslim people. May they not be afraid to follow Christ even if it cost them their lives. In Your precious Name I pray, amen.
Lord, please protect our brothers and sisters in Christ from being tortured and killed by ISIS for their faith. We may be in a place of safety but they are part of the body of Christ. We must continue to uphold them in prayer. The Lord will hear our prayers as we agree in faith that he will confuse ISIS and cause them to release Christians safely. Send angels in human form to open doors like the prison doors were opened for the apostle. Send warrior angels to deal with ISIS in human form, as security forces coming to safely bring captured and tortured Christians away from ISIS. We are asking for the safe release of our brothers and sisters in Christ by miraculous means. Amen.
Abba Father, enter the hearts of the instigators of terrorism and evil governments and institutions, so they recognize the evil of their ways, and repent and denounce their cowardice acts of destruction against humanity. Without repentance, may they reap the consequences of their own actions through Your Divine Justice. May the fear of our retaliation be greater than their hatred of democracy. But above all else We Pray Your Will, Abba Father, Be Done, Your Way and in Your Timing, in the Mighty Name and Precious Blood of Yehoshua. We trust You have everything under Your Control and evil will never prevail. All that will be left is LOVE. Yehmein
Dear Father, Please open the eyes of those trapped in islam today. We pray that you will burst in on them and stop them in their tracks with a thought or revelation of you that will bring them to Jesus. You love them, and Jesus died for them. They need you. Please draw them to Jesus, as you said in John 6:44. We look forward to good news today, and we give you thanks and praise in Jesus’ name. AMEN
Dear god have mercy on them for they do not know what they are doing. Let you light shine on them and dispel the darkness and may they instrument of peace.
Dear Father,
We heard of unspeakable horrors today in a prayer request for missionaries in Queragosh (Qaraqosh). Isis is beheading Christian children, among other atrocities. Please have mercy, Lord. It’s so difficult to pray for these demon-possessed people as they sacrifice your children–little children! to their demon idol. I actually don’t know how else to pray, except to ask that your Kingdom would come, and your will would be done, because I know you are good, and your will is good. Please take care of your people. Protect your missionaries and those to whom they are ministering. Please help. We pray in Jesus’ name, and trust that you will answer, for your glory. Amen!
Dear Jesus, I have a difficult time with anger toward the members of ISIS who are so horribly cruel and brutal. Please help me to have Your heart toward them. Please help me to see them as You see them and to pray for them as You would have me pray for them. In Your Name. Amen.
Dear Father, it’s 9/11/15. Thousands will be praying today, remembering 14 years ago when many saw the evil of islam for the first time. Thousands–perhaps millions– of muslims have come to Jesus since then. Please draw millions more, particularly today. Bless the Christians being persecuted and those who are fleeing their homes to escape isis. Expose the plots of isis and other terrorist groups and foil the demonic plans to kill and destroy your followers and your people Israel. What the enemy intends for evil please turn for good, for the glory of your name. Thank you for all you will do today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Oh most holy Father hear our prayer for these who are walking in darkness. May their eyes be opened and their hearts unshackled from the bondage of the evil one. Remove the scales that they may see your loveliness and your holiness. We know you love them and we love them through the shed blood of our Savior. May they find peace and joy in your presence so that they may not ever have to face an eternity apart from you.
Lord, You have called us to love our enemies, but we have chosen to disregard Your command while holding our enemy in contempt. Forgive us, forgive me of our sin. Lord, reign down your light upon ISIS leaders breathing out their hatred and evil threats much like You did for Saul. Change their hearts like You did Saul’s and bless them as they submit their lives to You. Use them then, Lord, to lead other ISIS members to You.
We ask that all ISIS members become saints.
Oh Lord, raise up intercessors to pray for a harvest of souls among ISIS. Move Your people to bind the demons controlling these evil men and loose salvation upon them. Touch the hearts of Your people so they pray for Your kingdom to come among ISIS.
Thank you Father for those who have left ISIS in search for your peace. Father may your name be glorified forever and ever, for Thine is the Kingdom and glory. May you be glorified in changed lives from the ISIS as you have been glorified and preached through the life of Saul who turned into Paul, your apostle to the gentiles. In Jesus’ name.
I just read and took in your message to we believers that we are to pray for our enemies. I see it so clearly now. I pray that the light of Christ will be shown to ISIS and all of it’s members and they will be transformed.
Help us please to see ISIS as you see them.
I ask in your holy name