Day 1 – Intercession and God’s light

But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus, so that if he found any belonging to the Way, men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. Now as he went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. – Acts 9:1-3

Jesus  said  “You  have  heard  it  said,  ‘Love  you  neighbor  and  hate  your  enemy.’  But  I  tell  you:  Love  your   enemies  and  pray  for  those  that  persecute  you,  that  you  may  be  sons  of  your  Father  in  heaven.” – Matthew 5:44-45a

Pray  that  the  church  throughout  the  world  would  follow  Jesus’ words to love and pray for their enemies. Pray  that  the  church  wouldn’t  just  sit back and watch  a  physical  war  take  place  but  that  they  would  fight with the most powerful weapons: prayer, fasting and love. Saul was a perfect example of a man who thought he was doing the will of God but was mistaken. Many of the ISIS members as well think they are doing the will of God. Pray that, like Paul, they would see the light of Christ. Pray also that in the presence of this light all darkness would have to flee. Pray that the light of Christ would expose all lies and reveal Jesus.

 have prayed.


136 prayers have been added for
“Day 1 – Intercession and God’s light”

  1. Father, only YOU can open the hearts. Open their eyes to see, ears to hear the marvelous things you have planned for them. Walk before those who are Yours that they may be the light and blessing to these who do not know you this day.

  2. Dear Father, this the day you have made, new and full of potential. Let it be the day of salvation for millions of muslims. Let your light break through the blackness in isis camps, hiding places, war-torn cities, in schools where little children are being trained to hate and kill… Please win today, Lord. Give victories to former muslims who are dedicated to preaching your truth to their people. Bless them with your success as they snatch souls from eternal death. Thank you for what you will do today. Please let your kingdom come and your will be done, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  3. Dear Lord,

    We praise Your Holy Name this morning as we lift up to you the lost souls of the many false religions and idolatry that saturate the globe. May Your Light open the eyes of the blind and set the captives of spiritual darkness free.

    In the Mighty Name of Jesus, we pray, amen!

  4. Father in the name of Jesus open the blind eyes of ISIS that they will know the way and truth and Life in Jesus Christ.

  5. Dear Lord, please reach out to the lost souls of this world. There are so many false religions and so many false hopes and idolatry runs rampant throughout the globe. You are the God of our salvation and we cling to you while surrounded by darkness everywhere we look. Light up this world and bring one last great awakening to bring in the remainder of Your lost sheep into the fold of our Great Shepherd. In His Name we pray, amen.

  6. Dear Father, another round of prayers begins. We’re still asking, seeking, and knocking. You’re still the same. You are still in control, your timing is still perfect. Your love is still unending, you still draw men to Jesus; Jesus is still the only way of salvation. So we pray again for salvation for isis and all muslims. We praise you for all you have done this past month, and we watch to see what you will do now. Thank you for those you will save today, and for the violence you will stop, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  7. God, that the people in leadership and around the leaders of isis would be profoundly thrown into confusion. That they would be confused about the love of God toward them and their actions contradicting that love. That the scales would fall away from their eyes that they would see the truth and be filled with the Holy Spirit. That the deeds that have caused them to be dead in sin would be cleansed away and they would be able to hear the truth and believe. Turn their world upside down through God’s strength and love from the top down and inside out. Amen

  8. I pray Father that you will awaken the body of Christ to pray for this spiritual warfare that is going on with Isis , Muslims and Christians through prayer groups and fasting. I ask for your resurrection light to penetrate into this situation and turn the sauls into pauls. That the Muslim world would radically be changed into your kingdom and purpose ( Jeremiah 29:11). That radical love , peace and freedom will invade their presence with your Living Word that is sharper than two edge sword. Your name will be exalted among all the nations.your word will go out swiftly and unhindered and break through all barriers IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN!

  9. Father in heaven I come before you with a broken heart for your lost people…those who are in bond age to violence and hatred…I bring these people before you asking that you would change them…bring them into the light of salvation I pray that you would touch their hearts..let them experience your great live for them and all people…I pray that the church would rise.up to pray for their cities countries and people…teach us all Lord how to pray and love so that we can be the light and you may receive the glory in Jesus name I pray amen

  10. Dear Father, thank you for your Word and all the promises it contains. Some of these promises aren’t good for those who don’t come to Jesus for salvation. I pray that you will show even more mercy to isis and all those deceived by the lies of islam. Give them another opportunity to choose Jesus. Open their eyes as you did with Paul. Thank you for those you will save today. Please make each one of these a powerful preacher of the Gospel to their companions and families. We look forward to what we will hear about what you’ve done, and we give you praise in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  11. Dear Heavenly Father,
    I pray that the church throughout the world would follow Jesus’ words to love and pray for their enemies.
    I am praying that the church wouldn’t just sit back, read the news and watch a physical war take place but that they would fight with the most powerful weapons: prayer, fasting and love. Saul was a perfect example of a man who thought he was doing the will of God but was mistaken. Many of the ISIS members as well think they are doing the will of God. Lord I pray that, like Paul, they would see the light of Christ. I pray also that in the presence of this light all darkness would have to flee. I pray that the light of Christ would expose all lies and reveal Jesus.
    I pray Father that through the Holy Spirit you would provide the Isis leaders with dreams and visions and for some a sort of Damascus experience from your mercy as Paul did and they would come to know you Jesus as personal Saviour and Lord of their lives.
    In Jesus’ Name

  12. As you did to others do it to them bringing them to salvation in Jesus Christ. Cause them to come the end of themselves and see the need of turning to you just as you did to Paul.

  13. I pray that leaders of all isis will , like Saul, be visited in visions or in dreams the Holy Spirit of God who will convict them of their ways, repent and accept Jesus as their Lord and Master

  14. Heavenly Father, cleanse my heart that I might come before you and follow your way, which is truth and life.
    I join my prayer with these many people as was prayed today and ask that your perfect will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. I also pray for the taxi drivers in my city to have visions and dreams causing them to come to salvation. So many are Muslims. May I always speak with your words,Jesus as I am in conversation with them as I take a cab every Sunday to church. Thank you Lord for your undeserved favor.

  15. Dear Father, I pray with all my heart that Jesus would reveal Himself to the people in ISIS and to all the Muslim people. I know that you do not rejoice in the death of a sinner, and I prayer that you would bring those who are deceived by Islam to salvation in Jesus Christ. Please let there be great rejoicing as former Muslims give their lives to Christ. Please let the word spread throughout the world that you are saving the Muslim people, and that even ISIS members are being saved. I ask it in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  16. Dear Father, you deal with individuals as well as tribes and nations. Please speak to individual isis members regardless of whether they are new recruits or embedded saboteurs or imams–even deceived or enslaved women. Please bring each one face to face with Jesus, just as you did with Paul. Infiltrate their ranks and camps with your truth. Be unavoidable; be compelling. Show them the choice they must make–that you alone are truth. Please expose and stop their plots of destruction. Thank you for each one you will save today. Thank you for each terror act that you will prevent today. We give you praise in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  17. Father I lift up to you in prayer the person who is closest geographically to me that is bound by the ISIS movement. May your Holy Spirit soften his or her heart . I pray for the people who will be in contact with him or her today. May someone who knows your love be able to share the same with this person. Amen

  18. We love the warm and fuzzy’s but Jesus wants us to see who we really are. That is why in Mark 10 he asks the rich young ruler: Why do you call me good? If you believe me to be good and only God is good, then I am God. Praying this day that these who are blind would see and accept Jesus as the true Messiah and come to faith. With men this is impossible but all things are possible with God.

  19. Dear Lord,

    Please continue to send dreams and visions of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Many muslims are coming to Christ as You reach out to them and minister to them by the power and revelations of Your Spirit. Lord, You are awesome and we thank You for the privilege to play a part in Your unfolding plan. We pray this in the wonderful Name of Jesus and for Your ultimate glory, amen!

  20. Dear Father, as Jesus displayed his victory over death, hell, and the grave, we pray that his victory over Islam will be demonstrated very soon. Please save thousands of Muslims today as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Amen.

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