Day 10 – Boldness and Confidence

And all who heard him were amazed and said, “Is not this the man who made havoc in Jerusalem of those who called upon this name? And has he not come here for this purpose, to bring them bound before the chief priests?” But Saul increased all the more in strength, and confounded the Jews who lived in Damascus by proving that Jesus was the Christ. Acts 9:21-22

Pray for those that God will save out of ISIS to have extreme boldness and a fruitful witness! Pray that others from ISIS and the world would look at them and marvel at the radical change. Pray that many would  be  “confounded”  by  their  testimony.

 have prayed.


47 prayers have been added for
“Day 10 – Boldness and Confidence”

  1. Dear Father, we hear reports of threats and fighting among islamic factions and sects. We’ve seen you do that before–cause the enemies of Israel to fight and destroy each other. Please protect Israel and your People of the Cross. Please use this situation to make those in isis and all muslims look at the truth, that Jesus is the only hope, the only way, the only life they need or can have. Give them the determination to find truth and the boldness to acknowledge it. Give those who are questioning islam the grace and protection to abandon it and follow Jesus. Thank you for your all-sufficient grace and unfathomable love, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  2. Lord of power and might you said to Joshua ‘be strong and courageous’ Lord may you say the same thing to ISIS members who you are saving.
    Lord I pray too for your followers. For us. Make us bold too that we will go and declare your love and power to the Muslims in our own community

  3. Dear Father, there was a report that many are leaving isis, but the writer was concerned that those leaving would be more dangerous because they might act individually to cause terror. Lord, I choose to see this report as an answer to prayer. We have asked that you bring men (and women) out of isis and out of islam. We ask and believe that you will speak to each individual and compel him or her to come to Jesus. Please prevent them from acting individually in any way except to receive Christ. Protect them from reprisals. Bring them face to face with Jesus. Please continue to demoralize and discourage the leaders, and increase the effectiveness of those fighting against them. We look forward to accurate good reports soon, and we give you thanks and praise in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  4. Dear Father, I continue to hear testimonies that you are giving muslims encounters with Jesus. Thank you for your faithfulness to do that. Please let each one act on the command he or she receives in that encounter, and let each one bring hundreds of others to Christ. Thank you for what you will do today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  5. Father, the greatest miracle of all is the changing of hearts of stone into hearts of flesh tender toward you and your work. I pray this day that you will turn ISIS fighters hearts toward you and that their fellow fighters, their community, and their country will be astounded by the change that has come about. I also pray for protection for those who have been changed and that their message will be heard and other hearts will be changed.

  6. Abba Father, Yehovah, We Pray … that You would thwart evil plans and instead use them for good! We Pray that each time evil spirits “try to curse” or destroy others that instead it would bring about a blessing! We Pray that evil plans for tearing down would instead build up! Plans of death would instead bring life! Plans of hatred would instead bring love! We Pray that our God, Yehovah would bring about frustration and that in the frustration … that they would see the hand of Yehovah not allowing it and instead surrender to His Will, His Way and in His Timing. You are our hiding place in times of trouble. Come and Vayigash (draw near or approach). Keep us under Your wing. Teach us to soar as the eagles above the storms. You fill our hearts with the song of deliverance. We trust You, Father in every situation. Your joy is our strength today and forever. You are great and greatly to be praised in all cities, states and nations. You are the joy of the whole earth. We come before You today, Father, saying have mercy … on us according to Your unfailing agape (unconditional) ahava (love); hear our prayer. …What we say is what we will get in the Mighty Name of Yehoshua. Yehmein

  7. Loving god fill the Isis members with the boldness of your spirit. May your spirit work mightly in each ones lives so that there is a radical change in their spiritual life and with boldness of your holy spirit they take the light of your gospel to the ends of the earth and confound the world. Amen.

  8. Dear Father, thank you for your faithfulness. Please work in the isis camps to shatter confidence in their plans, skills, weapons, and their god. Put a terror into their hearts in fear of you and let them flee before your people 7 ways. Please bring them to Jesus. We praise you for everything you will do today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  9. Thank for those that have turned to you. We continue to praise you and honor you Father God. Fill those being persecuted with your peace, the joy that was set upon Jesus at the cross. Bless someone from ISIS today with your peace and love through those that they are torturing. Cause someone to turn and say, you are the Son of God as was done while you were hanging on that cross. In Jesus name.

  10. Dear Father, your timing is perfect. You are not slow in keeping your promise; you are patient because you want everyone to turn from his sins. So according to 2 Peter 3:15, we think of your patience as deliverance. Please deliver these terrorists and all idolaters from the kingdom of darkness unto your marvelous light. Let them know Jesus and repent. Please let your kingdom come obviously and tangibly to isis today. We pray and give you honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  11. Dear Father, Paul told the Corinthians to imitate him as he tried to imitate Christ. Please let those whom you have called out of isis say the same thing. Give them an irresistible, irrefutable testimony. Cause all the evil they have committed to be a means of bringing their comrades to Jesus. Show them truth and love win over lies and hate. Please let your Kingdom come today. We pray in Jesus’ name and for your glory. Amen.

  12. Thank you Lord for the answers to our targeted prayers as reported. You are still on the throne; you are faithful. You are a warrior mighty. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are truly mighty, melting and turning hearts. Thank you for the boldness in the persecuted to witness your love even at the point of inevitable death. Praise you Jesus! There is no other name but yours that has the power to reach the unreachable. We pray that you continue to set others free and strengthen those that have turned to speak with boldness as Paul did. In Jesus’ name.

  13. Dear Father, I pray for your deliverance for those in isis who are frightened and want out but don’t think they can escape. Please make a way for them–and there have to be many who see the wrong and the horror of what’s happening to them and those they are terrorizing. Lead them out of the slavery of islam and into the freedom of Christ. Use those who come to you to expose the plots of isis, so many lives will be spared. Come do awesome things for which we did not even look, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  14. Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name and speak Your Word over the Isis members: ” To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in Me”. May each one who chooses to come to the light be restored to become all You, God, created them to be. We say, restore, restore and restore and walk in the steps before ordained by God. Thank You for Your grace, thank You for Your mercy and thank You that Your love never fails. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  15. Lord, I pray for uncommon boldness to be experienced by the saved ISIS members and those of other groups that work against the gospel of Christ. Let the world see them and come to you. Father cause a replicating effect through them in all races and groups in the entire world for your glory. In Jesus mighty Name. Amen.

  16. Dear Father, thank you for the many Isis plots you have thwarted. We have not known the deliverance you have done until after the fact, and we are so grateful. Please thwart the plots of the devil in the lives of Isis members. Confound and expose the lies they are believing and bring them to the joy of salvation in Christ. Thank you for your mercy toward them and us. We give you praise and honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  17. Because Your the same yesterday, today and forever…Because You died, paid the price for and sins and NOW is alive to make intercession for Your children. Thanking You for Your power to save!!! According to Your word NOTHING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU.

  18. Lord Jesus, manifest Yourself to these followers of ISIS in such a way that they are not only delivered from delusion and condemnation but empowered to be Your witnesses, bold and confident in the Truth of Who You are and what You can and will accomplish through them. Let the knowledge of You be a glory they cannot contain. And may their transformation draw others to You. I ask this in Your holy and powerful name.

  19. God, I pray that ALL in ISIS would acknowledge as Peter did, “Jesus, you are the Christ, the son of the living God.” I claim the blood and body of Jesus against every reason they commit any evil. I plead the blood of Jesus against all the evil that they do. Thank you that the blood of Jesus was already shed for every sin they (or we) will ever commit. I renounce any goodness we may purport to have. They commit evil for God, but I renounce any idea that they (or we) can offer evil deeds to You.

  20. Lord, I pray for the members of ISIS who are and will be radically changed by Your truth. I ask that as you melt their hearts their eyes would be opened and Your truth would flow from their lips with boldness and confidence. I pray that others would see and turn to You because of what they see and hear. May You be glorified! Amen!

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