Day 30 – Resource Routes and the Victory!

But all silver and gold, and every vessel of bronze and iron, are holy to the Lord; they shall go into the treasury of the Lord.” So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they captured the city. – Joshua 6:19-20

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Pray today that all the resources of ISIS would “go into the treasury of the Lord” meaning that all resources would be used for the glory of God! Pray that stolen oil fields, the robbed banks and the millions of dollars that come to them from other ways would be used for God’s glory and the spread of his fame! Pray for the resource routes in Iraq and Syria, that God would use them to spread the gospel. Pray that God would use the systems in place like fire to spread throughout each area and move on to the next. Pray that the ISIS magazine (called Dabiq), their facebook and twitter accounts (called “Jihad Cool”) and other means used to recruit ISIS members from across the world would also become avenues for spreading the gospel. Pray that Jesus would be proclaimed in each of these!

NOW THE VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!! During the past 30 days we have been silently marching around ISIS. We have been waiting on God to see his victory come. Now is the time to shout because the victory is His! He is answering our prayers! Shout out over them: The Lord is victorious!!


 have prayed.


46 prayers have been added for
“Day 30 – Resource Routes and the Victory!”

  1. Almighty God, you are the same yesterday today, and forever. As you parted the Red Sea, I pray for that great miracle to be performed around the ISIS walls. In Jesus name.

  2. O Lord You are the God of our ancestor Israel, by all Your people especially those in Iraq and Syria and may You be praised for ever and ever. Yours O Lord is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory and the majesty and we claim this victory now in Iraq and Syria. Everything in the heavens and on earth is Yours, and these also belongs to Your Kingdom. May all the people of these two nations and all the members of ISIS adore You as the One who is over all things. Wealth and honour come from You alone, because You rule over everything and everyone – over all the people in Iraq and Syria. Power and might are in Your hands and it is at Your discretion that people are made great and given strength. Give them the victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. Take possession of Dabiq and Jihad cool O Lord so that they only print that which glorifies Your Holy Name. Shield them from the attacks of the enemy and bring them all to a place of peace and safety. AmenAmen

  3. Our Father in Heaven Holy is Your Name. Therefore we pray in the mighty Name of Jesus, that Your Kingdom will come and Your Will be done in Syria and Iraq as it is in Heaven. Give all the people there today their daily needs. Forgive them their sins and teach them to forgive those who have sinned against them. Lead them away from the many temptations that surround them and deliver them from the ever present evil, because The Kingdom is Yours and so is the power and the glory now and forever Amen

  4. Lord Jesus we shout Your Name, that Name above all Names. May it float on the airways over this land. It is the Name at which the devil flees. I pray that all the people of this land will be set free and come to see you their Saviour face to face. Amen

  5. We shout to the Lord and His victory over ISIS. May we again smother them with the Love of Jesus; the Love that sweeps away all that is evil and replaces it with all that is good. Amen

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