Then the Lord spoke to Jonah a second time: “Get up and go to the great city of Nineveh, and deliver the message I have given you.”
This time Jonah obeyed the Lord’s command and went to Nineveh, a city so large that it took three days to see it all. On the day Jonah entered the city, he shouted to the crowds: “Forty days from now Nineveh will be destroyed!” The people of Nineveh believed God’s message, and from the greatest to the least, they declared a fast and put on burlap to show their sorrow.When the king of Nineveh heard what Jonah was saying, he stepped down from his throne and took off his royal robes. He dressed himself in burlap and sat on a heap of ashes. Then the king and his nobles sent this decree throughout the city:
“No one, not even the animals from your herds and flocks, may eat or drink anything at all. People and animals alike must wear garments of mourning, and everyone must pray earnestly to God. They must turn from their evil ways and stop all their violence. Who can tell? Perhaps even yet God will change his mind and hold back his fierce anger from destroying us.”
When God saw what they had done and how they had put a stop to their evil ways, he changed his mind and did not carry out the destruction he had threatened. – Jonah 3
Mosul is the main stronghold in Iraq. It is in Nineveh province. Pray that they would, like the Ninevites, repent of their violent ways and serve the Lord! Pray for the total repentance of all that are there; pray that like the Ninevites, the leaders would call corporate repentance and all would come to the Lord!
- This is Your City – Elevation worship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZeWEk_VO_Q
- I repent – Fight the Fade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agvtNXC0yEc
- Give us Clean Hands – Kutless https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDAfRJ7CuFw
Dear sovereign Lord, there is none beside you. I pray that you open the hearts and minds of the leader of Mosul to hear the message of your kingdom of peace. I pray for your conviction and that many lives be saved physically and spiritually in Mosul. You have written the story of Jonah in your Word for us to learn of your might deeds of mercy and salvation. I agree in prayer with all Christians praying for a breakthrough of your kingdom in Mosul. May you reign forever and be worshiped in Mosul in your own mighty ways. Amen.
Our Father in Heaven, I pray that Your Kingdom will come and Your Will be done in Mosul in Iraq as it is in heaven. Give everyone there today all their daily needs; forgive them their sins and enable them to forgive all of those who have sinned against them. Lead them away from temptation and deliver them from evil because YOURS is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory, now and forever Amen. Lord Jesus set them free because all those You set free are free indeed. Reveal to them and help them to understand that You will keep them strong to the end so that they will be free from blame on the day when You return to this world. I pray that they will know the truth that God will do this because He is faithful to do what He says He will do, He is offering them an invitation into partnership with You, Jesus Christ our Lord. I pray that they will see the wonder of this and surrender their lives to You Lord. amen
Dear Lord may Your people here know that You are present. Protect and guide them, strengthen and empower them, enable them to build a new and vibrant city out of the ashes where they can rejoice in You Oh Lord , singing songs of never ending praise and shouting “Look what the Lord has done for us! He has restored our city to an even more glorious place than it was before. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord”. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You in Your infinite mercy and wisdom will restore the city of Mosul to a safe and vibrant city. A place where all it’s people can return knowing that all is well and the best is yet to come. Only You Oh Lord can bring order out of chaos, love from hate, Harmony from disharmony. May our love for the people of Mosul and Your Love for them Father bring them the Peace that only You can bring. The peace which passes all understanding. Amen
Dear Lord, I smother all the people of Mosul with the Love of Jesus. His is the only Love that can sweep away all evil. His is the only Name – Jesus at which the devil flees. Amen
Dear Lord, I speak The Name of Jesus into the hearts and minds and souls of all the people who live in Mosul, including all perpetrators of evil. It is the Name at which the devil flees. Transform them all Lord by the renewing of their minds. Open the eyes of their hearts so that they see You and acknowledge You as their Saviour. Let us smother the whole of this city with the Love of Jesus and then we will see the darkness roll away. Amen
Our Father in Heaven, Holy is Your Name. Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done in Mosul as it is in Heaven. Give all the people of Mosul today their daily needs. Forgive them their sins as they learn to forgive those who have sinned against them. Lead them all away from temptation and deliver them from evil because Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory now and forever Amen
Lord Jesus pour out Your Holy Spirit upon Mosul. May Your Peace which gives quietness and strength, assurance and guidance flow through this dry city like a river of calm through this dry land of strife. May all the people who live there, all the members of ISIS seek to abide in You and You in them so that they will know Your calm and the beauty of nature as the spring brings forth new life, the trees and flowers, the fruits of the earth, food for the body, soul and mind in great abundance. I pray that they will see that true success is the result of work done in Peace and only such work can produce an increase. People of Mosul abide in The Lord; then will you bring forth much fruit, a great harvest, sown in prayer, watered by trust , nothing fitful all effectual, bearing the flowers and the fruit of Joy. Jesus loves you all. Amen
Our Father in Heaven Holy is Your Name, Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done in Mosul as in Heaven. Give everyone there today all their daily needs. Lead them all away from temptation and deliver them from evil because Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory now and forever Amen.
And I speak the Name of Jesus into the hearts and minds and souls of the President of Iraq and all his government ministers, all the people who live in Iraq and all the perpetrators of evil in Iraq. I take captive every thought of theirs to make those thoughts obedient to the Word of God and to the Mind of Christ so that He can and will transform them all by the renewing of their minds, establish homeostasis in their lives so that they can be set free from the chains that bind them to the enemy and know the Peace, the Love and the Joy of the Lord as they surrender all to Him. Amen
For the past few months, the allies have been working to regain Mosul after ISIS destroyed all of the evidence of Christianity and destroy and desecrated the tomb of Jonah. Father, forgive those who persecuted the residents of this area and forgive the neighbors who either in fear or under the influence of the enemy, drove those who name Your Name for the area.
You are a mighty God, and You are a loving Father. Praise Your Holy Name!
Father, may Your Word go out to Mosul. May it be heard loud and clear. May the ears of the leaders be opened. Let there be repentance. May Your Word go out. May we see with our eyes the great things that You will do. I pray especially for the suffering children. Let repentance come, for their sakes. May it come quickly so that You may show mercy and Your name be glorified.
Dear Father, we lift up our eyes to the hills–our help comes from you, the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. You do not sleep. You watch over us. Thank you for your care and protection over your people Israel during these 10 Days of Awe. Thank you for caring for your People of the Cross. Thank you for your love for all muslims. Please let your Kingdom come and your will be done in the Middle East today, and particularly in Mosul. We give you glory today in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, fear of total annihilation provoked the Ninevites to repent. Would that kind of fear cause isis and other muslims to turn to Jesus? Or is your kindness the tool to accomplish that? Please, Lord, do whatever you need to do, but please do it soon, in our time. Let your people see your hand of deliverance even today. We crane our necks to see what you will do. We trust you and we wait for you. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Amen!
Dear Father, we repent in dust and ashes for the innocent blood that has been shed, and continues to be shed, in this city and throughout the Middle East. For thousands of years people have been slaughtering one another. Please say, “Enough!” Lord! Please stop isis now. You are able because you are the Most High. We know you win ultimately. Please let your Kingdom come and your will be done soon–even today. I don’t know how else to pray effectively. Please bring millions of muslims to the truth of Jesus today. Please help your people who are being led to the slaughter. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Amen.
Dear Father, Jeremiah 31:15 describes Rachel weeping for her children for they are no more. So much weeping and mourning today after all of isis’ terror this weekend–even against muslim holy places. Is this like Jehoshaphat watching his enemies kill each other? Please help. We look and we don’t know what to say or pray except to agree with Job and so many others: “Blessed be the name of the Lord.” You are the Lord God Almighty. Please come, Lord Jesus. Please let your Kingdom come and your will be done so this murdering will stop. Please bring your comfort to the grieving ones. Help them find relief and solace in Jesus. Please help. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thank you Lord for the opportunity to pray for the Muslim nation I would pray that today you would grant salvation to many ISIS fighters and grant them the opportunity to share their testimony to their fellow fighters. God is good.
Dear Father, there’s a commentary in The Voice translation that says, “At times God watches ‘behind the scenes’ quietly, calmly. But when it is the right time, God knows where and how to act.” Would you please act today wherever isis is bringing terror? Would you please stop them and bring them to Jesus? You love each one of them, so we look to that love to reach them however you know is best–dreams, visions, face-to-face encounters with your people–do whatever you have to do. Thank you for each muslim you will save today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I am praying today for the city of Mosul the main stronghold in Iraq in Nineveh province.
I am praying for the people of Isis that they repent, turn from their ways and find the Lord. I have done very little evangelical work for you Lord over the years but at least I can pray to you for these poor desperate souls.
I pray that the inhabitants of Mosul would, like the Ninevites of old who when Jonah preached to them , all repented of their violent ways and served the Lord!
I pray for the total repentance of all that are there in Mosul city;
I pray that like the Ninevites, the leaders would call for corporate repentance as they did when Jonah preached to them after his 3 days in the whale`s belly, and that all would come to the Lord!
In Jesus name I pray
Dear Father, you are God and there is no other. You already determined the outcome of all things and you are victorious. You will take action according to Isaiah 59. So we look forward to seeing the awesome deeds you will do. You will render justice and people from east to west will respect your name. Please do that now, Lord. Stop the wickedness of the wicked. Let isis and all muslims turn to Jesus. Let Mosul and all Iraq be surrendered to you. Thank you for what you will do today. We give you praise and honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.