Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!
It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes!
It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.
– Psalm 133
I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:1-7
This was the first city to be captured in Iraq. The current name of the city is thought to come from its Syriac name, Pallgutha, which is derived from the word division. Pray that God would remove the spirit of division that is on this place and cause the city to be unified through Christ. Pray that they would worship as one body.
43 prayers have been added for “Day 28 – Pray for Fallujah, Iraq”
Dear Lord, I cover the city of Fallujah with Blood of Jesus to cleanse and purify it from every stain and sin and to protect it from every evil thing the enemy may hurl at it. Set the people free so that they will be free indeed. transform them all by the renewing of their minds so that they all live in Peace and Harmony together under Your Everlasting Arms of Love. Amen
Dear Lord. I pray that all the people in Fallujah and all the members of ISIS there will be smothered with the Love of Jesus. It is the only Love that will cleanse and purify them from ever stain and sin and protect them from every evil thing that the enemy will fling at them. May they come to know You as their Great Friend and Understanding Saviour. You are the only one who has a better way for them to live. I pray that they will all turn to You so that You can show them that better way. Amen
Our Father in Heaven, Holy is Your Name, we pray that Your Kingdom will come and that Your Will will be done in Fallujah as it is in Heaven. Give all the people in Fallujah this day all that they need to live a good and wholesome life; forgive them for their sins and enable them to forgive all those who have sinned against them; lead them away from temptation and deliver them from all forms of evil, because Yours is the Kingdom, The Power and the Glory, now and forever Amen.
Precious Father, the source of all love and mercy, as Isis has been driven out of Syria and Iraq and is dispersing thoughout the world we pray many fighters would rethink their commitment to Islam and that you will confront them with the reality of Jesus Christ so that they will commit their lives to Him. Pour out Your amazing grace on them and millions of disillusioned Muslins and lead them into the loving arms of our Savior and Lord, Jesus in whose name we pray, Amen
Heavenly Father, as I bring all the people of Fallujah before You I pray that they will soon know the rapture of knowing You, as I speak the Name of Jesus into their hearts and minds and souls. May they all discover the Joy of knowing You and of longing to do Your Will. Dear Lord bring harmony where there is disharmony and division. Bring order out of the chaos and bring Your Love to replace the fear and hatred that still exists. Only You can make the impossible, possible Lord. Only You can transform them by the renewing of their minds. Hear our prayers for these Your children in Fallujah. Amen
Our Father in Heaven Holy is Your Name. Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done in Fallujah as it is in Heaven. Give everyone in Fallujah today their daily needs. Forgive them their sins as they learn to forgive those who have sinned against them. Lead them away from temptation and deliver them from evil because Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, now and forever Amen.
Lord Jesus I draw down the Power of Your Name into the very center of Fallujah. It is the Name above all names; the Name at which the devil flees, The Name that brings Peace, Love, Joy, Healing and Salvation. It is the Name that brings order out of chaos, love out of hate, harmony out of disharmony and covers this place with Love and Laughter. It is The Name by which Fallujah will be saved. Amen
Our Father in Heaven, Holy is your Name. Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done in Fallujah as it is in Heaven. Give everyone there today all that they need. Lead each one of them away from temptation and deliver all of them from evil, because Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, now and forever. Amen
I speak The Name of Jesus into the hearts and minds and souls of every perpetrator of evil in Fallujah and take captive every thought of theirs and make those thoughts obedient to the Word of God and to the Mind of Christ so that He can and He will transform them by the renewing of their minds, establish homeostasis in their lives, bless them with great success as they turn their hands to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to His Will therefore pleasing in His sight, then may all the people of Fallujah be prospered in every good way, a way which will Glorify the Lord and a way which will enable them to live in harmony with one another. Amen.
Pray for Those in Leadership So Jesus said to them, When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he, and that I do nothing on my own authority, but speak just as the Father taught me. And he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him.
Dear Father, thank you for your mercy. I seriously repent on behalf of the United States for intentionally or unintentionally arming and empowering isis in Syria and elsewhere. Please forgive us, change our policies, and stop this travesty. Please cause all the weapons of war on all sides in that genocide to malfunction. Please intervene and save thousands both spiritually and physically. Thank you for acting in love and mercy today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, great is your mercy, great is your grace. The 1828 Dictionary says, “Mercy implies benevolence, mildness, pity or compassion, and clemency, but exercised only towards offenders. Mercy is a distinguishing attribute of the Supreme Being.” We pray for your mercy for those trapped in islam who have never known anything other than the hatred they have been taught. Have mercy on Fallujah and other places that for the moment have respite from immediate isis action, and use this time to draw thousands to Jesus. Have mercy on all of us and please bring down the evil of islam. Please glorify yourself as you gain the victory, Lord. We thank you and praise you in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, Jesus said he wanted to gather the Jews to him like a hen gathers her chicks, but they would not come. The same seems to be true for muslims and others who reject Jesus. It’s tragic, and Jesus wept over Jerusalem. Please keep trying to bring muslims to the knowledge of the truth of Jesus so they can make a real choice, instead of blindly following a demonic deception. Bring them to Jesus where they can be gathered to him and be saved. Thank you for deliverance for Fallujah — let there be a real deliverance from the lies of islam, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
I praise you, Gracious Father for the recent action in Fallujah. Thank you for the routing of ISIS from that town. Comfort your people who were trapped in that city. Help them move on with their lives, meet their every need – spiritual and material and let them give you glory. In the Name of Our Savior, Jesus whom we adore. Amen
Dear Father, thank you for the end of ramadan. The “celebration” of isis killing hundreds was horrible. Lord, Jesus wished for his mission on earth to be accomplished, and he said he came to bring division (Luke 12:49-53). I think that division is becoming more and more obvious, and you are confronting people with the more and more obvious choice between you and islam. Please answer Jesus’ wish, Lord. Kindle the fire he came to send and purge away the evil. Clean up and refine your people. Bring your truth. We see the urgency of this present moment (Luke 12:56-57). Please help. Thank you for those you will save today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Father in heaven, you who know all things, and are ready to answer our prayers more than we are ready to pray, for the Scriptures say “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” (Matthew 6:7-8). With that sublime assurance therefore I come to you bearing my request for the many thousands of the city of Falujah in Iraq, a people now on the grip of death and destruction. Send them help Oh Lord. Let peace and prosperity return. In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.
Dear Father, another year has gone by and we’re facing another ramadan time. As this season starts in a couple of days we pray that you will do awesome deeds to glorify your name. You are so great, Lord! Let muslims see that greatness. They are trying to be closer to their god. Show them Jesus. Show them truth. Please use this time to open their hearts to you. Silence the lies of islam. Show them your love. We pray for millions of muslims to be saved, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Majesty of Heaven,
We praise your name and thank you for your love and mercy. I am not worthy or deserving of your great love.
You always are giving mercy, thanks that it is your nature.
We pray for Fallujah and it was the first city to be captured in Iraq. The current name of the city is thought to come from its Syriac name, Pallgutha, which is derived from the word division.
I pray to you Lord God that would remove the spirit of division that is on this place and cause the city to be unified through Christ our Lord. I pray that, in future, they would at last worship you as one body.
In Jesus Name
Dear Father, we need you today. The song says you bring us up from the ashes … To our God we lift up one voice, one heart; chains have been broken, we are victorious; you are alive! We know that because of Jesus. Muslims have no hope like that. All they have is a pack of lies. We need you to draw them to Jesus. Please do that. Today in that wartorn divided miserable town, please bring the light and love found only in Jesus. Thank you for what you will do today. We give you praise and honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, your Word says that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against him. Please do that now, Lord. Lift up your standard and bring your forces against him as you did for Hezekiah and Jehoshaphat and Gideon and so many others. Please save those isis members whom you know will repent, and render the others powerless and their weapons, plots, and threats totally ineffective. Please stop them from any more horror like the attack on Brussels. Also please turn the hearts of the people of Europe to Jesus. Cause them to repent of their humanism and worldliness. Come and do awesome things today, dear Father, because we know the end of the story. We give you praise as we watch to see what you will do next, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, the song today says you shine brighter than the sun; in the heavens or on the earth there is, no, not one like you. We worship you. You are the one we love. Please open the eyes of those war-torn, war-weary people in Fallujah so they can see you in your truth and your glory. Conquer their hearts by your love. They need you desperately. All muslims need you desperately. Please come and save them. Let them see and cry out to Jesus. Let your Kingdom come and your will be done today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Dear Lord, I cover the city of Fallujah with Blood of Jesus to cleanse and purify it from every stain and sin and to protect it from every evil thing the enemy may hurl at it. Set the people free so that they will be free indeed. transform them all by the renewing of their minds so that they all live in Peace and Harmony together under Your Everlasting Arms of Love. Amen
Dear Lord. I pray that all the people in Fallujah and all the members of ISIS there will be smothered with the Love of Jesus. It is the only Love that will cleanse and purify them from ever stain and sin and protect them from every evil thing that the enemy will fling at them. May they come to know You as their Great Friend and Understanding Saviour. You are the only one who has a better way for them to live. I pray that they will all turn to You so that You can show them that better way. Amen
Our Father in Heaven, Holy is Your Name, we pray that Your Kingdom will come and that Your Will will be done in Fallujah as it is in Heaven. Give all the people in Fallujah this day all that they need to live a good and wholesome life; forgive them for their sins and enable them to forgive all those who have sinned against them; lead them away from temptation and deliver them from all forms of evil, because Yours is the Kingdom, The Power and the Glory, now and forever Amen.
Precious Father, the source of all love and mercy, as Isis has been driven out of Syria and Iraq and is dispersing thoughout the world we pray many fighters would rethink their commitment to Islam and that you will confront them with the reality of Jesus Christ so that they will commit their lives to Him. Pour out Your amazing grace on them and millions of disillusioned Muslins and lead them into the loving arms of our Savior and Lord, Jesus in whose name we pray, Amen
Heavenly Father, as I bring all the people of Fallujah before You I pray that they will soon know the rapture of knowing You, as I speak the Name of Jesus into their hearts and minds and souls. May they all discover the Joy of knowing You and of longing to do Your Will. Dear Lord bring harmony where there is disharmony and division. Bring order out of the chaos and bring Your Love to replace the fear and hatred that still exists. Only You can make the impossible, possible Lord. Only You can transform them by the renewing of their minds. Hear our prayers for these Your children in Fallujah. Amen
Our Father in Heaven Holy is Your Name. Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done in Fallujah as it is in Heaven. Give everyone in Fallujah today their daily needs. Forgive them their sins as they learn to forgive those who have sinned against them. Lead them away from temptation and deliver them from evil because Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, now and forever Amen.
Lord Jesus I draw down the Power of Your Name into the very center of Fallujah. It is the Name above all names; the Name at which the devil flees, The Name that brings Peace, Love, Joy, Healing and Salvation. It is the Name that brings order out of chaos, love out of hate, harmony out of disharmony and covers this place with Love and Laughter. It is The Name by which Fallujah will be saved. Amen
Our Father in Heaven, Holy is your Name. Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done in Fallujah as it is in Heaven. Give everyone there today all that they need. Lead each one of them away from temptation and deliver all of them from evil, because Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, now and forever. Amen
I speak The Name of Jesus into the hearts and minds and souls of every perpetrator of evil in Fallujah and take captive every thought of theirs and make those thoughts obedient to the Word of God and to the Mind of Christ so that He can and He will transform them by the renewing of their minds, establish homeostasis in their lives, bless them with great success as they turn their hands to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to His Will therefore pleasing in His sight, then may all the people of Fallujah be prospered in every good way, a way which will Glorify the Lord and a way which will enable them to live in harmony with one another. Amen.
Pray for Those in Leadership So Jesus said to them, When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he, and that I do nothing on my own authority, but speak just as the Father taught me. And he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him.
Dear Father, thank you for your mercy. I seriously repent on behalf of the United States for intentionally or unintentionally arming and empowering isis in Syria and elsewhere. Please forgive us, change our policies, and stop this travesty. Please cause all the weapons of war on all sides in that genocide to malfunction. Please intervene and save thousands both spiritually and physically. Thank you for acting in love and mercy today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, great is your mercy, great is your grace. The 1828 Dictionary says, “Mercy implies benevolence, mildness, pity or compassion, and clemency, but exercised only towards offenders. Mercy is a distinguishing attribute of the Supreme Being.” We pray for your mercy for those trapped in islam who have never known anything other than the hatred they have been taught. Have mercy on Fallujah and other places that for the moment have respite from immediate isis action, and use this time to draw thousands to Jesus. Have mercy on all of us and please bring down the evil of islam. Please glorify yourself as you gain the victory, Lord. We thank you and praise you in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, Jesus said he wanted to gather the Jews to him like a hen gathers her chicks, but they would not come. The same seems to be true for muslims and others who reject Jesus. It’s tragic, and Jesus wept over Jerusalem. Please keep trying to bring muslims to the knowledge of the truth of Jesus so they can make a real choice, instead of blindly following a demonic deception. Bring them to Jesus where they can be gathered to him and be saved. Thank you for deliverance for Fallujah — let there be a real deliverance from the lies of islam, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
I praise you, Gracious Father for the recent action in Fallujah. Thank you for the routing of ISIS from that town. Comfort your people who were trapped in that city. Help them move on with their lives, meet their every need – spiritual and material and let them give you glory. In the Name of Our Savior, Jesus whom we adore. Amen
Dear Father, thank you for the end of ramadan. The “celebration” of isis killing hundreds was horrible. Lord, Jesus wished for his mission on earth to be accomplished, and he said he came to bring division (Luke 12:49-53). I think that division is becoming more and more obvious, and you are confronting people with the more and more obvious choice between you and islam. Please answer Jesus’ wish, Lord. Kindle the fire he came to send and purge away the evil. Clean up and refine your people. Bring your truth. We see the urgency of this present moment (Luke 12:56-57). Please help. Thank you for those you will save today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Father in heaven, you who know all things, and are ready to answer our prayers more than we are ready to pray, for the Scriptures say “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” (Matthew 6:7-8). With that sublime assurance therefore I come to you bearing my request for the many thousands of the city of Falujah in Iraq, a people now on the grip of death and destruction. Send them help Oh Lord. Let peace and prosperity return. In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen.
Dear Father, another year has gone by and we’re facing another ramadan time. As this season starts in a couple of days we pray that you will do awesome deeds to glorify your name. You are so great, Lord! Let muslims see that greatness. They are trying to be closer to their god. Show them Jesus. Show them truth. Please use this time to open their hearts to you. Silence the lies of islam. Show them your love. We pray for millions of muslims to be saved, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Majesty of Heaven,
We praise your name and thank you for your love and mercy. I am not worthy or deserving of your great love.
You always are giving mercy, thanks that it is your nature.
We pray for Fallujah and it was the first city to be captured in Iraq. The current name of the city is thought to come from its Syriac name, Pallgutha, which is derived from the word division.
I pray to you Lord God that would remove the spirit of division that is on this place and cause the city to be unified through Christ our Lord. I pray that, in future, they would at last worship you as one body.
In Jesus Name
Dear Father, we need you today. The song says you bring us up from the ashes … To our God we lift up one voice, one heart; chains have been broken, we are victorious; you are alive! We know that because of Jesus. Muslims have no hope like that. All they have is a pack of lies. We need you to draw them to Jesus. Please do that. Today in that wartorn divided miserable town, please bring the light and love found only in Jesus. Thank you for what you will do today. We give you praise and honor and glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, your Word says that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against him. Please do that now, Lord. Lift up your standard and bring your forces against him as you did for Hezekiah and Jehoshaphat and Gideon and so many others. Please save those isis members whom you know will repent, and render the others powerless and their weapons, plots, and threats totally ineffective. Please stop them from any more horror like the attack on Brussels. Also please turn the hearts of the people of Europe to Jesus. Cause them to repent of their humanism and worldliness. Come and do awesome things today, dear Father, because we know the end of the story. We give you praise as we watch to see what you will do next, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear Father, the song today says you shine brighter than the sun; in the heavens or on the earth there is, no, not one like you. We worship you. You are the one we love. Please open the eyes of those war-torn, war-weary people in Fallujah so they can see you in your truth and your glory. Conquer their hearts by your love. They need you desperately. All muslims need you desperately. Please come and save them. Let them see and cry out to Jesus. Let your Kingdom come and your will be done today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.