Day 21 – Captives and Salvation by Faith

[Rahab said] “And as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted, and there was no spirit left in any man because of you, for the Lord your God, he is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.” Joshua 2:11

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn;

to grant to those who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified. – Isaiah 61:1-3

Pray that God would reveal the truth about grace. In the story above, a prostitute (and her family) are the only ones that escape the wrath of God. Why? Was it because she was a good person and followed God’s laws? No, but she believed God and was saved by faith. Pray that God would reveal that salvation is not by works but by faith in the sacrifice and power of Jesus.

Pray also for those that have been taken captive (or live in an occupied city). Pray that God would cause them to “melt with fear” for him and not just with the rulers of the city. Pray that like Rahab that they would truly see who the Lord is and serve him. Pray that would fear God above all else. Pray that the Lord would set them free.

 have prayed.



43 prayers have been added for
“Day 21 – Captives and Salvation by Faith”

  1. Dear Lord, I put Your whole Armour upon every single member of ISIS – The Belt of Truth and the Helmet of Salvation, the Breastplate of Righteousness and the Shield of Faith, the Shoes of Peace and the Sword of the Spirit. Set Your Guardian Angels around them Lord, around their body, mind and spirit. I cover each one of them with Blood of Jesus to cleanse and purify them from every stain and sin and to protect them from every evil thing that the enemy will hurl at them, with thanksgiving for this most precious Gift. Amen

  2. Dear Lord, prompt us Your faithful followers to prepare the soil of the hearts and minds and souls of all the ISIS members by speaking Your Name Jesus into them; taking captive every thought of theirs to make those thoughts obedient to the Word of God and the Mind of Christ, so that He can transform them by the renewing of their minds. Then and only then will the seed of faith sown germinate. We must prepare the ground. Much prayer must precede the seed sowing if the labour is not to be in vain. Let us join Our Lord in His desire to see all people, all members of ISIS, saved and come to faith, faith in Him. Amen.

  3. Dear Lord, I smother all these captives with the Love of Jesus. The Love that sets them free. Then will they be free indeed. Teach them that it’s not by their deeds that they will find salvation but by loving, believing in and following You. You are the Way, the only Way. May they all learn the wonder of this great Truth. Amen

  4. Dear Lord as we bring all the members of ISIS before you help us to make known to them the amazing Power of Prayer. It is the gift that you have given to us Your faithful followers and it is a wonderful force against evil. It is sometimes difficult to comprehend just what a mighty weapon it is that You have placed in our hands. It is a force so mighty and so miracle-working, that when it is united with a will that seeks only Your Will and with a Friendship with You that calms, ennobles and enriches, then nothing, absolutely nothing can withstand its Power. May all our brothers and sisters in ISIS be set free from the chains that bind them to the enemy and may they discover the wonder of Your Salvation. Amen

  5. Our Father who is in heaven, holy is Your Name. Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done in every ISIS stronghold as it is in Heaven. Give every single member of ISIS their daily bread i.e. a hunger and thirst for You Lord. Forgive them their sins as they learn to forgive those who have sinned against them. Lead them away from temptation and deliver them from evil because Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory now and forever Amen.

  6. Dear Lord reveal to these members of ISIS Your Love and care for them and may we your faithful followers love and care and pray for them. let us not be overcome with feelings of helplessness to aid them because You are there to help and as we obey You and follow Your teaching in our daily lives so will we be instrumental in bringing that help to ISIS into operation. It is our sincere desire to see them all saved. Let Your Love be the balm for all their ills, to strengthen, raise and heal and may Your Power break down all barriers between us. Amen

  7. Dear Lord I speak Your Name Jesus, the Name above all Names, the Name at which the devil flees, into the hearts and minds and souls of all the ISIS captors and all those captured and imprisoned by them, so that they may all be transformed by the renewing of their minds, every thought of theirs made obedient to the Mind of Christ and the Will of God. Establish balance in their body, mind and spirit so that they can be blessed with great success as they learn to turn their hands to only that which is wholesome and good, obedient to Your Will therefore pleasing in Your sight, then may they be prospered in every good way, a way that will glorify Your Holy Name. For we know that the captives who You set free are free indeed. Amen

  8. Dear Lord I pray that every single member of ISIS will be overcome by Your Great Love. Open the eyes of their hearts Lord so that they can see You, see You as You really are. Reveal to them that You are their Saviour too and move them to surrender themselves to You in order to access their Salvation. Just as You were crucified between two thieves in order to save the world, so must we stand as sinners with other sinners so that You can save them too. Let us not let the cords of true love between us and them be broken. May those cords always be used by You and in Your service. May we who are bound to them by these particular ties pray earnestly for their salvation. We are bound to them because it is Your Desire that we should help them in this way. Amen.

  9. To God
    ” no weapon formed against you will stand ” I ask that you send a Holy Spirit rain on isis with the good news of Jesus. As your return is imminent

  10. Dear Father, thank you for the new offensives that have been launched against isis. It’s terrible that destruction has to come, but I pray that this will be the wake-up call isis needs to see reality, both in the natural and in the spiritual. Cause them to release their captives and lay down their weapons. Let them surrender, especially let them surrender to Jesus. Thank you for all those you will save today, both physically and spiritually, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  11. Father, We praise You for Your amazing grace you have extended to us, removing our bondage to sin and setting us free. We pray for those in bondage to the rulers and authorities and powers of darkness. Thwart their plans and purposes for more evil and destruction. Reveal Yourself to them, show them Your power and glory that they might come to fear You, the only true God and find their salvation through Jesus Christ. Father, be with those in cities where battles rage on and the people live in constant fear. Save them, Lord. Open their eyes to see You. In Jeaus’ Name, Amen.

  12. Father, may the news reports of any victory that ISIS wins be overshadowed by reports among people about the things which You have done! May You be glorified. May every miracle that You have performed on behalf of the least of Your servants be powerfully shared, so that they may KNOW, that You are God. And may they fear You and come to faith in You.

    We love You, our Father, our King! May Your name be praised. May Your Gorious Kingdom come so that Your will be done on Earth.

  13. Dear Father, thank you for the results of our election. Please let that be the firstfruits of victory over all the forces of evil. Please bring down the evils of islam. Please rescue those being brought to eternal death through the lies they are believing. Thank you for the millions you will save today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  14. Dear Father, we hear more reports about confusion in Iraq and Syria and the entire Middle East, but we know you are not confused. You win. Islam will be defeated, and you will be glorified. Please show us a sign for good today, Lord, particularly with regard to those held captive by isis. Come and do awesome things today that will bring praise and glory to you. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  15. Dear Father, you’re still here and still listening. We’re still here praying. And isis is still terrorizing the world. The evil one is still using islam to distract everyone from you. So we choose to focus on you and who you are. You are God Most High, Creator of the universe. You control everything. Thank you for orchestrating time and world events. Thank you that you win. Thank you for saving millions of muslims today. We choose to praise and honor you, and we thank you for the privilege of doing that, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  16. Dear Father, the song today is an old one: “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus.” We trust you, Lord. You have taught us by your love and faithfulness that you are totally trustworthy. Thank you for proving yourself to your People of the Cross, for preserving them and strengthening them in the face of isis. Please use their testimony and example to open the hearts of isis members, and show the truth of the results of trusting Jesus. Pour your grace out, Father. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  17. Dear Father, thank you for your Word which you have exalted above your name. Thank you for your desire that none should perish but that all should come to Jesus. Please draw muslims to you today. Open their eyes to you and let them desire you, the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

  18. Dear Lord Jesus, please strike down the stronghold of Islam and false religion that enslaved Muslims and the members of ISIS and other terror groups. Please give them clear knowledge that you are the true and only savior and that they can come to you for salvation. Unshackle their hearts and minds and give them revelations of you. I pray that your Kingdom will come and your Will will be done in the Middle East and the Muslim world as it is in Heaven. I ask it in your name.

  19. Dear Father, today lots of people are praying for the persecuted church. Jesus told us it would happen, we’ve read about it happening throughout church history, and now we’re witnessing it firsthand. It’s so difficult in the flesh, but we pray as Jesus told us and showed us by example: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Please bring hundreds of thousands of muslims to Jesus today. Please give strength and boldness and your kind of protection to your People of the Cross. Please let your Kingdom come and your will be done, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  20. Dear Father, the song today says you pour out mercy and reveal your heart. There has not failed one word of all your good promise. Your heart is open to those who seek you, and you seek those who don’t or won’t come to you. Please cause isis and each person influenced by them or any other islamic terror group to see you. Let them consider eternity. Let them see there is no doubt about where they will spend eternity–the only two options are with Jesus or with satan. Show them they can make the right choice by coming to Jesus who freely gives eternal life. Show them they can’t earn their way by any means at all; it’s only by grace through faith. You showed Rahab. Please show these. Thank you for the muslims and other unbelievers you will save today, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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